Language Change mindmap
- Created by: Rosie666
- Created on: 04-03-19 19:46
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- Language change
- Wave theory - Bailey
- New language enters through geographical location
- The further away from the change, the less likely they are to adopt the new lexis etc.
- E.G. a word adaption used by youths in London, is unlikely to effect English speakers in Edinburgh
- S-curve theory - Chen
- Language change resembles a s-curve
- Starts with infrequent usage, then is used very frequently and then drops down to a stable level of use
- Functional theory - Haliday
- Language changes based on the needs of its users. It takes from mainly in: new inventions, technological words and slang
- Words going out of use: vinyl, cassette and floppy disk Words coming in to use: USB, Blu-ray and DVD
- Aitchinson
- Potential - There is an internal weakness of an external pressure for a particular change
- Diffusion - The change starts to spread through the population
- Codification model - Written down and subsequently put into the dictionary and accepted officially
- Implementation - People start using the variant, it is incorporated into peoples dialects
- Substratum theory
- Language changes happens through social contact
- In the past this happened through trade and invasion. Today it can happen through social networking and immigration
- Theory of lexical gaps
- This theory suggests there are logical reasons for the creation of new words
- Words can be borrowed, converted or invented in order to fill a gap in usage or phonological language
- Wave theory - Bailey
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