Language Devices: Pathos, Logos and Ethos
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?- Created by: theninjaemu
- Created on: 18-04-16 18:36
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- Language devices: Pathos, Logos and Ethos
- Logos
- Appeals to the readers logic
- Examples are the use of statistics, data and facts
- How it is used in persuasive writing
- Makes the reader think "that's plausable"
- Backs up facts with statistics, making the argument seem more convincing
- Pathos
- Appeals to the readers emotions
- Examples include anecdotes, emotive language, metaphors and similes
- How it is used in persuasive writing
- Used to emotionally engage the reader
- Makes the argument seem more personal, so people are more likely to side with your point of view
- Ethos
- Appeals to the readers ethics
- Examples include quotes from experts, facts and statistics
- How it is used in persuasive writing
- Makes your arguments seem credible
- If quoting an expert, it makes the argument seem more reliable
- Makes it seem as though others agree with your argument, so readers may side with you
- Logos