Ella's Amazing Language Acq. Theorists

My spelling is awful, and there is no spell check, sooooo...

  • Created by: Ella
  • Created on: 13-02-13 13:45
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  • Language Acquisition Theorists
    • BEHAVIOURIST B.F.Skinner
      • Children immitate language they hear
      • caetakers correct and reinforce the childs utterances until they become correct
      • PROBLEMS: children can create their own syntactical structures. E.G. "I seened it"
      • Skinner and Interactional both very similar, but Skinner refers to adults being more proactive, E.G. 'can you say...'
          • Interaction is important
          • Adults alter the way they speak to provide opportunities for children to take part in discourse
            • Referred to as 'motherese' or 'caretakers'
          • BEHAVIOURIST B.F.Skinner
            • Children immitate language they hear
            • caetakers correct and reinforce the childs utterances until they become correct
            • PROBLEMS: children can create their own syntactical structures. E.G. "I seened it"
            • Skinner and Interactional both very similar, but Skinner refers to adults being more proactive, E.G. 'can you say...'
              • INTERACTIONAL
                • Interaction is important
                • Adults alter the way they speak to provide opportunities for children to take part in discourse
                  • Referred to as 'motherese' or 'caretakers'
      • Language development is an interactional development
      • Children will only say things when they understand the meaning behind them
    • NATIVISM Chomsky and Lenneburg
      • Children have an innate capacity to learn language
      • The human brain has a Language Acquisition Device
      • There is a critical period in which the LAD must be activated for a child to learn language to the best of their capability


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