Language & Gender
- Created by: kateandrews
- Created on: 13-05-14 11:04
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- Language & Gender
- Linguists
- Peter Trudgill
- women tend to use standard grammar and pronunciation more than men do - men seek covert prestige whilst women seek overt
- Julia Stanley
- more words for men and many of the words for women have sexual overtones - there are 220 words for a sexually promiscuous female and only 20 for a male
- Herriman
- words for physical attractiveness collocated most frequently with 'woman' whereas height, abilities or personality collocated most with man
- Jennifer Coats
- men talk about impersonal topics and will hold the floor and will rarely feature overlapping. They will linguistically spar eachother through banter which is playful conflict to create solidarity
- Lakoff
- women's language includes hedging, super polite forms, italics, tag questions, avoidance of coarse language or expletives, apologies, overuse of qualifiers
- Zimmerman and West
- men interrupt women often to assert dominance in mixed sex conversation as a form of constraints on womens' contributions
- Deborah Tanner
- women want support, intimacy, proposals, understanding, feelings and compromise whereas men want status, independence, advice, action, conflict, information and orders
- Jeperson
- women's vocabulary is less extensive than men's
- Jannet Holmes
- words that were originally affectionate or neutral have undergone semantic deterioration and have gained negative connotations - metaphors for women are either based on food or animals
- Peter Trudgill
- Key Terms
- Pejoration
- a shift in semantic meaning that leads to a less favourable connotation over time
- Socialisation
- conditioning people as they grow up to perform and conform to certain social roles and behaviours
- Marked Form
- that which stands out as different from the norm (lady doctor, male nurse)
- folk linguistics
- attitudes and assumptions about language that have no real evidence to support them (women talk more)
- Lexical Asymmetry
- words that are unequal in their associations or connotations
- false generic
- the masculine pronoun 'he' is used generically to refer to both males and females when it is not gender neutral
- Pejoration
- Linguists
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