Language and Gender Theorists/Theories
- Created by: Connor McRae
- Created on: 06-04-14 15:01
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- Language and Gender Theorists
- Pamela Fishman (1978)
- Her research found that women asked 263 questions at home and men only asked 107.
- Robin Lakoff (1975)
- She thought women lack assertiveness and therefore are less powerful
- She thought women used the following: Hedges; polite forms; emphasis; empty adjectives; correct grammar/pronunciation; direct quotation; speak less frequently; more intensifiers; lack a sence of humour.
- O'barr & Atkins (1980)
- Studied language variation in institutional context.
- They found lack of power came from job status, not gender.
- They found that women who used fewest 'women traits' had good jobs.
- They said nervousness could also have added to powerless people's use of 'women features'
- Zimmerman & West
- Theory was based in a college community
- In same-sex conversations interruptions were spread evenly
- In mixed-sex conversations, men were mre likely to interrupt than women,
- Debra Tannen (1990)
- She thought men and women have different cultures and they used different language within these cultures.
- According to Tannen there's 6 pairs of needs which drive a conversation - (men left, women right): 1. Status/support; 2. Independance/Intimacy; 3. Advice/Understanding; 4. Information/Feelings; 5. Orders/Proposals; 6. Conflict/Compromise
- Deborah Jones (1990)
- Studied women's cultural speech
- She found that women used 4 types of gossip.
- 1. House talk - talking about female role in the house
- 2. Scandal - behaviour of others
- 3, Bitching - women anger at their inferior role in society. Only disclosed privately and to other women
- 4. Chatting - talking of skills and nurturing others and exchanging information
- 3, Bitching - women anger at their inferior role in society. Only disclosed privately and to other women
- 2. Scandal - behaviour of others
- 1. House talk - talking about female role in the house
- Brown & Levinson
- Looked at how females aim to maintain face, whereas men disregard it by using taboo language and expletives in their speech.
- Kramer & Kramer
- Studied cartoons and the characters within cartoons
- They found that people expected male characters to swear more but in fact female characters swear more than originally thought.
- Siegler & Siegler
- Found that women use more tag questions than men.
- Goodwin
- According to Goodwin, women use more modals than men.
- He thought men use more direct and imperative language.
- Pamela Fishman (1978)
- Women use short sentences to show interest. Men use short sentences to show lack of interest.
- Pamela Fishman (1978)
- Her research found that women asked 263 questions at home and men only asked 107.
- Pamela Fishman (1978)
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