ENGB1- Language and Powe theorists
Just a summary of some of the key theorists for lang and power. Hope it helps :)
- Created by: Ben
- Created on: 11-01-13 10:16
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- Language and Power- Theorists
- Norman Fairclough (2001)
- Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA)
- 1. Synthetic Personalisation
- Personal Pronouns
- Feel they are being addressed personally
- Seems advert comes from one person NOT faceless company
- Feel they are being addressed personally
- Personal Pronouns
- 2. Members Resources
- Uses the readers ideological background
- e.g. Celebrity- image of fashionable- demands the best tech
- Uses the readers ideological background
- 3. Building the Consumer
- The text receiver becomes the 'ideal consumer'
- 1. Synthetic Personalisation
- Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA)
- Wareing (1999)
- 3 types of power
- Personal
- Political
- Social Group
- 3 types of power
- Coulthard and Sinclair (1975, 1992)
- Initiation, Response, Feedback
- Holmes and Stubbe
- Repressive Discourse Strat
- Places conversational restraints
- Oppressive Discourse Strat
- Open in exercising its power in conversation
- Repressive Discourse Strat
- Levinson and Brown
- Politeness Strategy
- Positive Face
- Feel Valued/ Respected
- Face Threatenig Acts
- threatens +/- face
- Negative Face
- Feel you are obliged to do something
- Face Threatenig Acts
- threatens +/- face
- Positive Face
- Politeness Strategy
- Norman Fairclough (2001)
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