Language and Power - Theorists
- Created by: Hayley Petts
- Created on: 08-01-13 17:08
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- Language + Power - theorists
- Goffman - Face work
- enhancing positive face
- "you look beautiful today"
- protecting negative face
- "good try"
- enhancing positive face
- Fairclough - readers positioning
- synthetic personalisation - direct address
- second person pronoun "you"
- possessive determiners "your"
- 1sr person plural pronoun "we"
- imperative commands
- members resources
- background knowledge readers use to interpret texts which may be explicitly drawn upon by text producers
- synthetic personalisation - direct address
- Brown + Levison - politeness theory
- bold on record
- used to shock, embarrass or make someone feel uncomfortable
- "Give me that!"
- positive politeness
- usually used in group of friends or people who know each other well
- used to minimize distance between people
- "you really should sort of try harder"
- negative politeness
- assuming that you may be imposing on someone else +intruding their space might be social distance or awkwardness
- "I just want to ask you if I could use your computer?"
- off-record (indirect)
- removing yourself from any imposition whatsoever
- "it's cold in here"
- bold on record
- influential power
- power used to influence or persuade others
- "thank you for observing our no smoking policy"
- instrumental power
- power used to maintain and enforce authority
- Notice No Smoking Violation Will Result In Disciplinary Action
- Accommodation Theory Giles
- at least one person in a conversation will attempt to change their speech style
- others will avoid it
- convergence
- someone switches their speech style to become more like the other participant
- when talking to a child speed of speech is reduced
- often used when we're talking to someone we like
- divergence
- when someone wishes not to be associated with someone or group linguistic style opposite to group
- Overt and Covert Prestige
- overt prestige
- put on an accent widely recognised as being used by cultural dominant group
- e.g. RP accent
- putting on a posher accent than your regional accent to fit with dominant group
- Covert Prestige
- opposite to overt
- putting on an accent to show regional group
- to show exclusive community
- used to gain street cred in local community
- overt prestige
- Goffman - Face work
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