Late Classical Period
- Created by: fern
- Created on: 05-12-13 20:20
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- Male Free-Standing Sculpture 4th Century BC
- "Humanising the Gods" became a Praxitilean trend
- Hermes & Dionnysus are taking part in an everyday activity (babysitting)
- figures appear happy and content as they are engaged in an intimate bond
- Contained a reference to Apollo's cult as the God of Medicine
- If he is holding an arrow or a dart in right hand it refers to his role as an archer god.
- Apollo Sauroktonos
- Hermes & Dionnysus are taking part in an everyday activity (babysitting)
- 3D Composition
- Right arm thrust out in front of viewer
- Left arm cuts horizontally across chest breaking up figure
- Front view foreshortened forces viewer to appreciate all angles
- Apoxyomenos
- Right arm thrust out in front of viewer
- Sensual "S" bend
- Youth of Marathon, Apollo, Hermes & Dionnysus
- Contapposto
- Weight on right leg
- Apollo, H&D, Marathon Boy,
- Youth of Marathon- accentuated by outstretched arm
- H&D- Hips tilted but not the shoulders
- "Off Proportions"
- Apollo's head is large relative to body
- H&D nearer to 1:8 - depict immortality?
- Youth 1:7 and a half
- 1:8 Apoxymenos
- "Humanising the Gods" became a Praxitilean trend
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