Latin Literature
- Created by: Soph898
- Created on: 17-10-18 20:03
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- Latin Literature
- Ovid, A good day at the Circus
- Subject and Themes
- Good place to find a girlfriend
- Excitement of watching the races
- What happens at the races
- Writer and Context
- Love poetry
- Setting is in Rome
- Speaking to a young woman
- Subject and Themes
- Martial, Lament for dead charioteer
- Writer
- Short poems
- Subject
- Addresses Scorpus
- Status of charioteers in Roman society
- Writer
- Pliny, Not at the races
- Writer
- lawyer, politician, writer
- Letter to a friend
- Writing about chariot races in Rome
- Subject
- Explains why he isn't going to the Circus
- Attitudes to chariot racing
- How the races are organised
- Passions raised by chariot racing
- Writer
- Juvenal, The crowd in the circus
- Writer
- Satire (mocking) texts
- Writing about Circus Maximus in Rome
- Subject
- Why he prefers not to go to crowded Circus
- Evidence for activities that could be enjoyed at the Circus
- Writer
- Suetonius, Caligula's favourite racehorse
- Writer
- Biographies of emperors
- Wrote about recent past
- Subject
- Emperor Caligula's treatment of his favourite horse
- Status of charioteers
- Writer
- Suetonius, Nero's passion for chariot-racing
- Writer
- Biographies of emperors
- Wrote about recent past
- Subject
- Emperor Nero's passion
- Attitudes to chariot racing and its fans
- Popular at all levels of society
- Writer
- Virgil, a boat race
- Writer
- Setting is legendary past
- Subject
- Boat race compared to chariot race
- Excitement of crowd
- Tactics
- Writer
- Ovid, A good day at the Circus
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