League Of Nations and how it failed
- Created by: Ella Newman
- Created on: 17-01-17 18:20
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- League Of Nations
- Manchurian crisis
- 1900 japans economy and population had been growing rapidly
- 1931 japan claimed chinese soldiers sabotaged there railways in manchuria
- in revenge japan occupied manchuria
- lytton report meant that japan had to return manchuria but instead japan decided to incraese the invasion because they investigated the issue to long after 1 yaer to late.
- by this time the league was powerless
- lytton report meant that japan had to return manchuria but instead japan decided to incraese the invasion because they investigated the issue to long after 1 yaer to late.
- the suez canal britain and france owned the suez canal and during the invation of abysinia by italy britain and france allowed mussolini to use the canal that helped the invation and it made the league look weak and powerlesss
- in revenge japan occupied manchuria
- 1931 japan claimed chinese soldiers sabotaged there railways in manchuria
- 1900 japans economy and population had been growing rapidly
- wall street crash after the crash america recakled its loans from the countries in europe they wanted countries o start paying them back quickly europe couldnt do this so in turn other countries started to suffur the same problems as america like : no money unemployment and homelessness
- Manchurian crisis
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