League of Nations
- Created by: Nadia omg
- Created on: 12-04-13 00:48
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- League of Nations
- came from Wilsons 14 points.
- Four main aims
- To stop aggression
- Encourage cooperation
- To improve living and working conditions
- Disarmament
- 5 permanent members Britain France, Italy, *** and germany (1926)
- Intended to police the world
- began in 1920
- 42 original members
- Sucesses of the league
- helped refugees after the first world war
- worked to stop the spread of diseases like malaria and plague
- fought against slavery
- problems with the league
- USA never joined the league
- americans didn't like the versailles treaty and refused to accept it, the thought LON was connected to it
- They thought it would be too expensive, they'd rather focus on america than the rest of europe (isolationism)
- They didn't want to be dragged into war.
- The league wasn't powerful enough
- Britain and France were both in charge but neither coutry was strong enough after the war to do the job right
- Economic and miltary sanctions could only work if USA (powerful) was applying them. other countries were too busy recovering from the war
- Germany and russia were forbidden to join at first
- no army of its own and most members didn't want to commit their own army
- organisation was all wrong, EVERYONE had to agree for a single decision to be made.
- USA never joined the league
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