Leagues Failure
- Created by: Jasmin
- Created on: 22-04-13 19:17
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- Leagues Failure
- 1929 economic disaster WSC economic problems throughout world
- Damanged trade/industry of all countries, affected relations, political changes in countries
- Wall Street Crash
- Less money available
- Industry contracts
- Decreased employment
- Some countries charge tariffs to protect industry
- Decreased international trade
- Decreased profits
- Industry contracts
- Decreased employment
- Some countries charge tariffs to protect industry
- Decreased international trade
- Decreased profits
- Decreased profits
- Decreased international trade
- Some countries charge tariffs to protect industry
- Decreased employment
- Industry contracts
- Decreased profits
- Decreased international trade
- Some countries charge tariffs to protect industry
- Decreased employment
- Industry contracts
- Less money available
- Britain
- High unemployment
- Not willing to get involved sorting out international disputes white its economy was suffering
- Germany
- Unemployment and poverty - elect Nazis - promised to solve economic/social problems
- Hitler and Nazis overturn ToV and regain lost German territory
- Japan
- Collapse of industry
- Led to Japanese to take over Manchuria
- Italy
- Economic problems encouraged Mussolini to try to build an overseas empire to distract people's attention away from difficulties gov faced
- Unwillingly to support economic sanctions
- French and Germany border
- Worried about changing situation in Germany, France
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