Learnign and teaching styles
- Created by: chelsealewis
- Created on: 11-05-16 09:40
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- learning and teaching styles.
- Measuring learning and teaching styles
- Entwhistle: ASI: meaning- deep approach and questioning. Reproducing: syllabus bound. Achieving- motivated to work. Non-achieving: disorganised and negative attitudes.
- Kolbs: inventory for learning styles. Accommodators: get involved in the experience (trial and error) Assimilators: ask questions(philosophy) Coverger: Practical applications (experiments) and Diverger: imaginative learning (drama and art)
- Kyricaou and Williams: Measure whether they are teacher centered or student centered. Tick what suits them so whether activities are restriced by them or are negotiated
- Defining
- Formal teaching: teacher centred, they decide what is being taught. Informal: student centred, lesson is negotiated.
- Hight intiative teaching- Fontana: aware of needs, willing to learn, informed choices and encourage development.
- Grasha: six styles of learning- Independent, dependant, competitive, collaborative, avoidant and participant.
- Formal teaching: teacher centred, they decide what is being taught. Informal: student centred, lesson is negotiated.
- study skills
- 4 MAT system: Motivation- devise a lesson. Concept development- are discussed so they can cover all preferences. Practise- engage in practical applications, deeper meaning. Application: given an example where they will have to apply new information.
- PQRST: Preview, question, read, self recite and test
- SPELT: metacognition: Taught about different techniques like problem solving, hen try out techniques and evaluate them , Students use preferred strategies and continue to elavuate the effectiveness.
- Measuring learning and teaching styles
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