Learning theory of attachment
- Created by: Georgia
- Created on: 02-05-19 13:58
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- Learning theory of attachment
- All behaviour is learned through experience
- Infant associates caregiver with feeding
- Cupboard love theory
- Infant associates caregiver with feeding
- Classical conditioning
- Infant learns to associate mother with food
- Eventually only seeing mother brings comfort
- Infant learns to associate mother with food
- Operant conditioning
- Negative reinforcement as caregiver removes feelings of hunger
- Caregiver becomes a reward
- Caregiver is rewarded by seeing a happy baby
- Caregiver becomes a reward
- Positive reinforcement as baby is rewarded for crying
- Negative reinforcement as caregiver removes feelings of hunger
- Fox (1977) Children more attached to mothers than nannies although nannies did the majority of feeding
- Evaluation
- Reductionist as ignores cognitive mental processes
- Based on strong scientific principles that are established in psychology
- Reductionist as too simple to explain complex behaviours
- Disregarded by many psychologists
- Harlow - attach for comfort
- Lorenz - attach for survival
- Bowlby - attach for emotional security
- All behaviour is learned through experience
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