Legal Moral Issues 2
- Created by: annamccleave
- Created on: 20-02-18 14:31
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- Legal Moral Issues 2
- Privacy
- Informing data subjects of their legal right and processes for complying with those rights.
- People are not always aware of their rights under the data protection act and not all companies are ethical in use of this data.
- Legal Requirements: Data Protection Act
- An employee using company data to create mailing lists for a home private business.
- Electronic monitoring systems can be used to track emails.
- Equity
- Development of information systems has led to divides between information rich and poor countries.
- Richer organisations can afford the technology, the poorer cannot.
- Therefore, the richer get richer, the poorer get poorer and the gap increases.
- Ownership and access can determine which organisations will be successful and what will fail.
- Digital haves and digital have nots.
- Health Info
- Job opportunities
- Education
- Intellectual Property Rights
- It is right that people who develop new SW, HW, communication methods etc. should be rewarded for their work.
- It is not right that this work is copied by others.
- Many organisations will state in their code of conduct that any work produced during working hours belongs to them.
- Privacy
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