Lenin Political
- Created by: maddieoakes17
- Created on: 23-05-18 12:08
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- Lenin Political
- End dual power removes provisional government and takes power
- comes back from exile 1917 to lead bolsheviks to resume power
- main focus during 1917-1920 was the consolidation of power
- april theses
- lost 1918 constituent assembly election; closes down assembly
- argues it was another example of bourgeoisie rule in Russia
- establishes 'new soviet of people's commissar'- SOVNARKOM
- full of bolsheviks
- strong use of Cheka
- aid in consolidation of power\
- imprisonment of all political opponents including Kadets and Mensheviks
- 1921 ban on factions within the bolshevik party
- used propaganda against 'enemies of the state'
- umbrella term for anyone who threatened the bolsheviks
- End dual power removes provisional government and takes power
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