How far did Alexander live up to the image of himself that he and those around him projected?
- Created by: lyd_kate
- Created on: 24-04-18 19:32
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- How far did Alexander live up to the image of himself that he and those around him projected?
- Divinity
- PL - 'delighted' at pronunciation slip could say he's Zeus son
- PL - prophecies at Alex's birth
- PL - Related to Heracles Neoptlemeus
- AR - Cleitus says Alex compared to Gods = wrong
- Coin face Ammon horns
- Military tactician
- AR - made use of gap at Guagamela
- AR - inventive Danube/Tyre/Hindu Kush
- AR - Issus sent extra troops at hills /Parmenion
- PL - desire to compete with worthy opponents at Olympia
- AR - Persian Gates split into 2 (Alex & Craterus), behind Persians
- PL wounded by Malli
- AR - army at curve Gauga - fan out at Issus
- PL - Madman at Granicus
- AR - up/down at Hydaspes, Porus couldn't put defense in any 1 area
- Relations with his men
- PL - Callisthenes refused obeisance
- AR - Opis Mutiny, ballet soldiers - did cry in PL
- AR - Games with athletic & literary contests at Memphis/Tyre
- PL - ran naked as custom is in Troy
- PL + AR - sent 300 suits of armour after Granicus
- AR - Cleander accused of putting soldiers to death illegally, reign of terror. Lets off Cleomenes
- AR Inspected wounds after Granicus
- AR - wept after Cleitus & Hyphasis
- AR - debts for Susa marriages
- Pothos
- PL - Philip's achievements nothing left for him to conquer
- AR - India as not even Dionysius went further
- PL - Bucephalus
- Divinity
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