Liberal Feminism
Views on Patriarchy, Sex and Gender and 'Person is Political'.
- Created by: georgiealice04
- Created on: 04-10-23 17:20
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- Liberal Feminism
- Views on the Patriarchy
- Did not view Patriarchy as systemic oppression
- The patriarchy can be abolished through small changes, mainly through legislation
- View the patriarchy as discriminatory against women
- The patriarchy can be abolished through small changes, mainly through legislation
- View the patriarchy as discriminatory against women
- The patriarchy can be abolished through small changes, mainly through legislation
- Did not view Patriarchy as systemic oppression
- Sex and Gender
- Women and men are equal and should have equal opportunities
- The distinction between sex and gender was made by the patriarchy and so is artificial
- 'Person is political'
- Reject 'the person is political'
- Main focus integrating women into the public sphere
- Want to see all barriers preventing women from the public sphere to be removed
- Main focus integrating women into the public sphere
- Difference vs equality
- Liberal feminists tend to mostly be equality feminists
- Men and Women are fundamentally equal and entitled to the same rights and liberties
- Intersectionality
- All women are equal despite differences in class, religion and ethnicity
- Did not see that different women experience the patriarchy differently
- NOTE: Liberal is associated with first wave feminism( late 1800s - early 1900s) meaning most outspoken feminists were upper/middle class white women.
- Reform vs Revolution
- Liberal feminists are reformists
- Society will gradually change
- Gradual change will happen as more women are integrated into roles previously seen as 'male' or male dominated roles
- Views on the Patriarchy
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