Liberal Italy 1870-1920
- Created by: Amy_MaeB
- Created on: 08-04-14 18:57
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- Liberal Italy 1870-1915
- Problems facing Liberal Italy
- Lack of Italian identity
- People saw themselves as Sicilian or Venetian
- Economic weakness
- Lack of infastructure
- North/ south divide
- Undeveloped industry
- Lack of natural resources
- Adowa crisis 1896- huge debts
- Weakness of the political system
- Liberal factions
- Transformismo
- Lead to disagreements
- Governments constantly changing
- Rapid turnover of governments
- 29 PM between 1870-1922
- Rapid turnover of governments
- 29 PM between 1870-1922
- Liberal factions
- Growing political threats
- Weakness of the political system
- Liberal factions
- Transformismo
- Lead to disagreements
- Governments constantly changing
- Liberal factions
- Socialism
- Rapid industrialisation
- Catholicism
- Pope Pius issued a decree that Catholics shouldn't vote
- Disliked the Liberals
- Same hierarchy as Nationalists
- Nationalism
- Accused the Liberals for not making Italy a great power
- Nationalism
- Nationalism
- Accused the Liberals for not making Italy a great power
- Weakness of the political system
- Lack of Italian identity
- Liberal Italy on the eve of WWI
- Significant economic growth
- Income
- 1895- 69 billion lira
- 1915- 92 billion lira
- Food tax reduced
- Income
- Great power status
- Member of the triple alliance
- Empire in Africa
- Libya 1911
- Stable political system
- Liberals argued Italy had made great progress in their rule
- Enfranchisement 1912
- Giolitti had created co-operation between moderate socialists and catholic
- Economic divisions
- Chronic poverty
- Especially in south
- Industrial disputes
- Chronic poverty
- Significant economic growth
- Legacy of WWI
- Economic problems
- Inflation
- Strikes
- Growth of socialism
- 1919 election
- Growth of socialism
- Unemployment
- Growth of socialism
- 1919 election
- Mutilated victory
- Cheated at Treaty of Versailles
- St Germaine
- D'Annunzio
- Seizure of Fiume
- Cheated at Treaty of Versailles
- Economic problems
- Problems facing Liberal Italy
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