- Created by: emilywatters
- Created on: 16-11-15 11:08
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- Liberalism
- Origins and development
- a breakdown of feudalism in Europe resulted in liberalism
- undoubtedly been the most powerful ideological force shaping the western political tradition
- early liberalism wanted government interfere as little as possible, seeks to maximize indivdualism
- Modern liberalism believed that government should be responsible for delivering welfare services
- Liberalism can be seen as dominating political and social development
- Core Values
- The individual - as feudalism was displaced the individual was confronted with more social possibility, everyone can meet their full potential
- freedom - ability to think or act as one wishes do not believe in the right to absolute freedom as not to harm others (Mill)
- Reason - reason takes strong over paternalism promoting personal development
- Justice - distribution of rewards and punishment implies a commitment to foundational equality
- Toleration - willingness to accept and celebrate diversity "I detest what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it" Voltaire
- Types of liberalism
- Early Liberalism
- Natural rights theory, citizens have inalienable rights such as life, liberty and property they need to be protected by the state
- People must give their permission before the government can exercise power and people have the right to dissolve the government
- Classical liberalism
- Based on freedom would maximize human progress by promoting creativity and fulfillment
- Belief in the free markets but expected government to prevent monopolies
- political tolerance and respecting others freedom
- Social Darwinism
- "Survival of the fittest" as we are unequal in ability
- Early Liberalism
- Types of liberalism cont
- New liberalsm
- Large parts of society needed help to benefit from classical liberal ideas
- Capitalism and industrialization had caused problems that needed fixing
- Movement away from small state to one that would ensure greater equality
- TH Green called for social conscience because we need to understand out impact on society
- Large parts of society needed help to benefit from classical liberal ideas
- Welfarism
- expanded equality of opportunity and positive freedom the state maximizes potential
- New liberalsm
- Origins and development
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