- Created by: Q_
- Created on: 09-06-19 16:02
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- Has modern liberalism abandoned the principles of classical liberalism?
- NO
- Both classical and modern liberalism have an optimistic view of human potential.
- Both classical and modern liberalism believe in rationalism and insist upon. tolerance of minorities.
- Both classical and modern liberalism see individualism as the goal of politics and society - they differ merely about how to achieve it.
- Both classical and modern liberalism believe in capitalism and oppose state ownership of the economy.
- Both classical and modern liberalism believe in a constitutional (limited) state and 'government by consent'.
- Classical liberalism defined liberty as individuals being left alone (negative freedom). Modern liberals think that individuals are not free unless they are actively 'enabled' via interference from others (positive freedom).
- Classical liberalism championed a minimal state. Modern liberals championed an enlarged and enabling state.
- Classical liberalism was inclined to see taxation as 'theft' and sought to restrict it. Modern liberals often see increased taxation as the key method for implementing positive freedom.
- Classical liberalism favoured laissez-faire capitalism from which the state is detached. Modern liberals favour Keynesian capitalism, where the state seeks to 'manage' market forces.
- Classical liberalism has an ambivalent view of democracy, prioritising the interests of property owners. Modern liberalism has championed representative democracy.
- NO
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