- Created by: jimlan
- Created on: 26-03-18 11:23
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- liberalism
- core themes
- individualism
- we are rational autoimus beings capable of making our own choices in life
- we are all self relent and egotistical so are capable of existing on our own.
- freedom
- natural rights of man, life liberty and property.
- Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign’ – J.S Mil
- human nature
- we all gain knowledge through are rational
- we are capable of perusing our own interests.
- most humans can resolve issues with reason and not violence so less need for strict law and order
- individualism
- classic liberalism
- negative liberty
- people should be free to do what they like without restraint from the state
- still need a minimal state for law and order
- john lock: night watch man state
- Jefferson: government that governs less governs best.
- freedom only limited by harm principle
- free market
- laissez faire
- human nature
- people are self centred and therefore self reliant
- equality
- everyone of equal moral worth
- natural unalienable rights
- social contract
- contract between the people and the state.
- people give up some freedom to have security and order.
- gives state legitimacy
- contract between the people and the state.
- negative liberty
- modern
- positive liberty
- freedom to do
- nanny state
- the state should help people to acheave the goals and aims
- state
- hobson: state should enable
- state should protect
- keynes: the state should be there for our well fair.
- positive liberty
- core themes
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