Liberalism: Economy
- Created by: Basital
- Created on: 21-08-18 14:59
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- Liberalism: Economy
- Locke
- Property = 'natural right'
- Based on private...
- Property
- Enterprise
- Classic Liberal & Neo-liberals
- Adam Smith's thesis
- Laissez-fair or 'Leave alone'
- Adam Smith's thesis
- Modern Liberals
- Keynesian
- Regular state management
- Managed capitalsim
- Keynesian
- Supranational organisations
- Obstacle to free trade
- Classic Liberal & Neo-liberals
- Adam Smith's thesis
- Laissez-fair or 'Leave alone'
- Adam Smith's thesis
- Classic Liberal & Neo-liberals
- Supportive
- Modern Liberals
- Keynesian
- Regular state management
- Managed capitalsim
- Keynesian
- Modern Liberals
- Obstacle to free trade
- Locke
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