Liberalism Core Themes
- Created by: Luke
- Created on: 29-05-13 09:18
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- Liberalism
- Constitution
- Limited Government
- Stops Absolute Power
- Stops Tyrannical Leaders
- Economy
- Adam Smith - Free Market Economics
- JMK - Managed Economy
- Individualism
- Locke
- Kant
- Atomistic + Alturistic
- Reason
- Education
- Non Violence
- Believe through debate and Violence is used in defenec
- Freedom
- Positive
- Alturistic Society
- Ties in with Enlightenment
- Negative
- inefficient
- atomistic
- creates selfish, unregarding and ignorant people
- Positive
- Justice
- Locke - Foundational Equality - Tabula Rasa
- Equality of Opportunity
- Tolerance
- Voltaire
- "I detest what you say, but I will defend to my death your right to say it"
- Voltaire
- State
- Enabling
- Night Watch Man
- Constitution
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