Liberalism Core Values
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?- Created by: Grace Lidgett
- Created on: 03-01-13 21:00
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- Liberalism core values
- Reason (human nature)
- Optimistic faith in human nature - unlike conservatives they believe that knowledge can be explained from reason alone
- This is reflected in the enlightenment reason and key thinkers were Bentham and Adam Smith
- This believe in reason and rationalism has led liberals to oppose paternalism as it prevents ndividuals from making their own moral choices
- Freedom
- Classical liberals = negative freedom [no constraints - inevitably leads to poverty]
- Progressive liberals = positive freedom [constraints by gov allow people to fulfil potential]
- Supreme political value for liberals in many ways
- Individuals do not have absolute entitlement to freedom
- "the only purpose for which power can be rightly exercised over of civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others" - Mills harm principle
- Individualism
- Individuals are thought to posses personal and distinctive qualities
- Immanuel Kant expressed a similar belief in equal worth of humans and that individuals were "ends in themselves"
- Some liberals believe that society is simply a collection of individuals
- Toleration
- Willingness to accept different ideas
- View shared by Voltaire - "I detest what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it"
- This value is important as it allows individual freedom and is linked to pluralism
- Justice (rights)
- Justice refers to the fair treatment of people
- The liberal theory of justice is based on a belief in equality and that all humans are born equal
- People should have equal opportunity to demonstrate their worth which led to a belief in meritocracy
- Reason (human nature)
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