Life in Nazi Germany 1933-39
- Created by: Gaynor
- Created on: 25-03-18 19:24
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- Life in Nazi Germany 1933-39
- Nazi Policies Towards Women
- The Nazis believed that women should adopt a modest, traditional appearance, leave professional jobs to men and make marriage and motherhood their duty to the state
- The Nazis used propaganda and policies to try to put their beliefs into practice
- The Nazis had several policies to encourage marriage and childbirth. These included the law for the Encourage-ment of Marriage, changes to divorce law, the Mother's Cross and Lebensborn
- The Nazis had several policies to reduce numbers of women in the workforce. These included banning women from some jobs and discouraging women from going to university
- Nazi policies towards women convinced some Germans and had some impact, but were only effective to a limited or temporary degree
- Nazi Policies Towards the Young
- They believed that boys and girls should be brought up to be different
- Nazi youth groups, such as the Hitler Youth and the League of German Maidens, were organised to create strong, healthy Germans and supporters of Nazi ideas
- Schools in Nazi Germany were organised to create useful German adults and Nazi supporters
- The Nazis shaped the development of young Germans by controlling teachers and the curriculum
- Employment and Living Standards
- Reducing unemploy-ment was a priority for Hitler, for political and economic reasons
- As well as official unemploy-ment levels, Nazis also had invisible unemploy-ment
- The Nazis used a variety of methods to reduce unemploy-ment. These included the National Labour Service, the autobahn project and rearmament
- There were many changes to the standard of living of workers in Nazi Germany. These included changes to unemploy-ment wages, prices and consumption of luxuries
- The Persecution of Minorities
- Treatment of minority groups was shaped by eugenics, racial hygiene and anti-Semitism
- The Slavs, 'gypsies', homosexuals and people with disabilities were all mistreated
- Nazi persecution of Jews began in 1933, became worse in 1935, with the Nuremberg Laws, and then became worse still from 1938 after Kristallnacht
- Nazi Policies Towards Women
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