Life Events - Divorce:Children
- Created by: EvieHolmesIsAwesome!
- Created on: 07-05-14 10:48
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- Life Events: Divorce - Children
- Negative
- P - Tired, Disobediance, Nightmars, Smoking, Clinginess, Drug Use, Early Death.
- I - Lack of concentration, Poor math skills.
- E - Depression, Guilty, Angry, Frustrated, Distress, Anxiety.
- S - Isolated, Losing friends, Changing School, Poor Social Skills, Crime, Bullied, Self Esteem low.
- F - No money to follow trends, Less money spent.
- Positive
- F - Money from both parents, More gifts feeling guilty.
- E - Happy: Parents not arguing.
- I - Teaches not to stay in a unhealthy relationship.
- Negative
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