Little Red Rooster
- Created by: Charlotte Marriage
- Created on: 27-03-20 09:28
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- Little Red Rooster
- Themes
- Excessive pride
- Masculinity
- Confidence
- Untitled
- Context
- Shabby treatment of women by men in the 60s
- Overview
- Confrontational to other men
- Unpredictable behaviour
- Owning territory
- Girls dance provocatively for attention
- Men more concerned about competing with each other in the looks department rather than to catch a girl
- Structure
- Dance opens with the rooster strut
- Dancer sleeks down hair and adjusts tie
- Lyrics correlate with movement - on 'dogs begin to bark' he acts like a dog, putting his hands up as though they were paws, and then he rolls on his back with his limbs in the air
- Woman enters upstage and the men at the back, one by one, reject her
- Full company walk on with different paths, being at a right angle or parallel to the front of the stage so that at the end, most are lined up at the back but there is one couple at the front
- Themes
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