Liverpools achievements and failures

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  • Achievements
    • The defeat of Napoleon
      • - Liverpool believed in total defeat
      • - Created a great alliance
      • - 1815 Napoleon defeated
      • -Strengthened Liverpool's Political position
    • Administration both constitutive and reforming
    • Economic prosperity
      • - Coped well with post war crisis
      • Maintenance of law and order
      • - By acting in moderation this ensured that the protest fizzled out without major loss of life or damage.
      • Guided country from debt and         unemploymet
    • A 'middleway'
      • - Not opposed to all change
      • - Supressed his own views- Catholic emancipation
      • -Ensured that he maintained support in cabinet and parliament
      • -Ensured existing system remained in tact
    • New governmental principals
      • - Relations between monarch and government changed significantly
      • - Decline in the prestige of the monarchy made it possible for Liverpool to press his views more firmly
      • -Development of Liberal Toryism point to the adaptation of liberal economic problems
    • Longevity
      • - Kept tories from splitting
      • - Last prime minister to stay in power for 15 years
    • Maintaining a Parliamentary coalition
      • - Built and maintained a coalition in Parliament
      • -Coalition including      >Ultra tories  >Conservatives        >Whigs
    • Liverpool's Achievements and failures
      • Failures
        • Lack of imagination
          • -Shown by execution of policies.
            • Demobilisatio of servicemen
            • Added to an already glutted market
        • Political judgement
          • Promotion of Canning can be seen as an act which sowed the seeds for later splits in Tories
          • - Reshuffle brought power to Canning (controversial)
          • - Liverpool's judgment in promoting Canning can be questioned
        • Blocking reforms
          • - Policies pursued by government designed to block/ avoid reform
          • -Political skills had postponed vital issues
            • Catholic emancipation
            • Parliamentary reform
            • Corn bill
          • - Liverpool's government refused to introduce or support measures which would result in reform
        • Indifference to the poor
          • - Government was indifferent to the suffering of the poor
          • - Liverpool's government failed a large part of the British population
          • - Responding to  protest with repression
        • Handling the post war disturbance
          • Liverpool unecarsarily pursued repressive measures
          • Disorder was provoked by the government
            • Either by : Policies placed burdens upon the poor
              • Corn law- inflating the price of bread


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