Livestock production - KPIs
- Created by: Alyssa laird
- Created on: 21-05-24 12:00
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- Livestock production - KPI's
- eggs
- egg number per bird/flock
- egg mass
- feed intake (g/bird/day)
- total feed intake (Kg per year)
- broilers
- 35-day bodyweight target 2235g
- average daily gain
- daily intake 185g/bird/day
- cumulative feed intake to get to 35 day target
- dairy
- fertility
- costs - culling rate
- pregnancy rate
- age of first calving
- replacement rate
- feed costs
- purchased feed
- forrage costs
- milk yield - income (often within a lifetime)
- genetic merit - long term fitness
- fertility
- pigs
- total piglets born/survive
- weaning weight
- farrowing index
- total number of farrowing pens
- daily weight gain
- sheep
- lambs reared
- ewe mortality
- flock replacement rate
- daily liveweight gain
- weaned rate
- lamb weight at 8 weeks
- growth rates also included
- weaned rate
- barren rate
- beef
- age at first calving
- herd replacement rate
- calves weaned
- daily liveweight gained
- herd efficiency
- mortality rates
- age at slaughter
- all have stocking units per hectare (or if in building then thats included too
- eggs
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