Living Space
- Created by: Noah Randall
- Created on: 23-04-18 20:30
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- Living Space - Imtiaz Dharker
- Context
- Slums in Mumbai
- Form + Structure
- Irregular structure --> different length lines + stanzas
- No rhyme + enjambment
- Split into 2 parts --> Unstable
- ?
- Talks about slums in Mumbai
- Bad conditions
- Quotes
- "Not enough straight lines"
- "leans dangerously towards the miraculous"
- "living space"
- "eggs in a wire basket"
- "white.. dark edge"
- "slanted universe"
- "bright, thin walls of faith"
- Context
- Building is ragged
- long line hangs over the poem ---> unbalanced
- miraculous --> shows hope
- its not even a home because the conditions are so bad
- fragile --> potential hope
- hope --> white shows vulnerability
- instability and world inequality
- hope and fragility --> optimiostic
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