Narrative of Locke

  • Created by: rosannaaa
  • Created on: 09-04-18 12:12
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    • Locke puts baby with Bethan over his work - angers colleagues
    • Film is character based, we see emotions of each character through their voices and this is how the audience connect with the film
  • He loses everything in the film: job, family and wife.
    • Includes plot, characters, settings
      • Locke puts baby with Bethan over his work - angers colleagues
      • Film is character based, we see emotions of each character through their voices and this is how the audience connect with the film
  • Linear - resolution at the end is when we hear the baby crying - Locke smiles, reasonably calm ending.
  • Locke pays the price of his mistakes and owns it - good morals.
  • Talking to chair in car, acts as a feature to the narrative - shows he is losing his mind.
  • The more we see him, the more he messes up
  • We see Locke build up tension and put on a front on the phone but the audience see the behind the scenes of him distressed.


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