Unit 2; Core Studies; Loftus and Palmer
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?- Created by: Former Member
- Created on: 08-11-16 09:28
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- Loftus and Palmer
- Aim: investigate the effect of language on memory
- Sample
- Exp 1: 45 US uni students
- Exp 2: 150 US uni students
- IV and DV
- IV: the wording of the critical question: bump/hit/smashed/contacted/collided
- DV 1: the speed estimate given
- DV 2: whether they thought they saw broken glass or not
- Procedure
- Exp 1: 7 videos of road safety, 4 with crash, verbal recount given, questionnaire with critical question
- Exp 2: 1 min clip of crash, verbal recount, questionnaire, returned after 1 wk, asked if saw broken glass, none in clip
- Results
- Exp 1: Bump 31.8 Hit 34.0 Contact 38.1 Smash 39.8 Collide 40.8
- Exp 2: (saw) Smash 16 Hit 7 Control 6
- Conclusions
- Exp 1: participants bad at guessing, word impacted estimate
- Exp 2: time effects recon memory, verb effects perception
- Explanation: response bias possible but memory is recon made of own perceptions and external info after event, merged so no difference
- Ethics: broke deception & protection from harm
- Reliability & Validity
- IR: standardised & replicable
- ER: 'smashed' consistently higher results
- IV: aim was disguised well
- EV: not like real life, don't estimate speeds
- Ethnocentric: Yes; stricter countries have lower speed limits, 3rd world not much drivng experience
- Relating to Subject Area
- Cognitive: looks at memory
- Memory: seeing how language affects it
- Links to Debates: Usefullness
- police should use open questions when interviewing witnesses
- therapists should use open qs so client doesn't 'remember' something that never happened
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