character-lord capulet
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?- Created by: Sacha Hopkins
- Created on: 02-06-18 20:36
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- lord capulet
- old in age but acts like a naughty child
- family
- Juliet is his only surviving child
- doesn't want her childhood ruined by early motherhood
- but still isn't close to her
- the earth has swallowed all my hopes but she
- cant speak when she has died, only monosyllabic
- suggesting his whole world has crumbled
- with my child my joys ae buried
- suggesting his whole world has crumbled
- Tybalt is his nephew, next in line?
- Juliet is his only surviving child
- marrige
- doesn't want paris to marry Juliet, unless she wants to marry him (at the start)
- for a 16th century patriarchy, he seems very liberal and modern
- this could be because he thinks she is an obedient child who will do anything toplease her parents
- aware of Juliet's young age (13)
- appears to be a caring and considerate father
- stranger to the world
- hath not seen the change of 14 years
- my will to her consent is but a part
- for a 16th century patriarchy, he seems very liberal and modern
- sees it as a business deal
- nothing wrong with this in the 16th century
- would have been seen as a perfect father for finding his daughter a respectable young man
- could be sure his daughter would be secure financially and properly protected
- uses it as an attempt to bring some happiness to the household after Tybalt's death
- forces Juliet to marry Paris and if she wont go to the church willingly he'll drag her there by her hair himself
- fettle your fine joints
- ill drag you hurdle thither
- doesn't want paris to marry Juliet, unless she wants to marry him (at the start)
- talk about females
- modern audience feel unsettled by his descriptions
- Elizabethan audience accepted the inappropriate way he describes females as the words of an aging *******
- he uses unsavoury language
- fresh fennel buds
- qualities
- inconsistent
- quick to anger
- will NOT accept disobedience
- masked ball
- caring, generous, considerate, sociable host
- wants people to enjoy themselves
- positive and energetic
- caring, generous, considerate, sociable host
- takes the princes ruling of no fighting seriously
- quotes
- my child is yet a stranger to the world
- act1 scene 2 -to Paris about Juliet
- not seen the change of 14 years
- act1 scene 2 -to Paris about Juliet
- hopeful lady of my earth
- act1 scene 2 -to Paris about Juliet
- woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart
- act1 scene 2 -to Paris about Juliet
- my will to her consent is but a part
- act1 scene 2 -to Paris about Juliet
- earth-treading stars
- act1 scene 2 -to Paris to describe the girls who will be at the masked ball
- fresh fennel buds
- act1 scene 2 -to Paris to describe the girls who will be at the masked ball
- doth she not give us thanks? is she not proud?
- act 3 scene 5- confused about Juliet not marrying Paris
- fettle your fine joints 'gainst Thursday saint peters church
- act 3 scene 5- to Juliet, threats/ commands to get her to marry Paris
- I will drag thee on a hurdle thither
- act 3 scene 5- to Juliet, threats/ commands to get her to marry Paris
- out you green sickness carion!
- act 3 scene 5- insults about/to juliet
- you tallow face
- act 3 scene 5- insults about/to juliet
- out you baggage!
- act 3 scene 5- insults about/to juliet
- you tallow face
- act 3 scene 5- insults about/to juliet
- we have a curse in having her
- day, night, work, play... my care hath been to have her matched
- act 3 scene 5 -how much work he has put into arranging this marriage
- my heart is wonderous light, since this same wayward girl is so reclaimed
- act 4 scene 2 - pleased that Juliet has agreed to the marriage, he is satisfied
- death lies on her like an untimely frost
- act 4 scene 5 - about Juliet's death, his reaction
- accursed, unhappy, wretched, hateful day
- act 4 scene 5 - about Juliet's death, his reaction
- accursed, unhappy, wretched, hateful day
- my child is dead... with my child my joys are buried
- act 4 scene 5 - about Juliet's death, his reaction
- act 4 scene 5 - about Juliet's death, his reaction
- o brother Montague, give me thy hand
- act 5 scene 3- after Romeo and Juliet's bodies are found, his reconciliation with the Montagues
- my child is yet a stranger to the world
- right to the very end he is trying to arrange things and make things better
- trying to atone for his violent beheaviour towords Juliet?
- his way of saying sorry, it was his feud that ultimately killed Romeo and Juliet?
- his way of showing his love for his daughter?
- key
- fact
- quote
- context
- act/scene
- suggests/ symbolizes
- our thoughts
- other
- subheading
- my heart is wonderous light, since this same wayward girl is so reclaimed
- act 4 scene 2 - pleased that Juliet has agreed to the marriage, he is satisfied
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