Louis Philippe's Domestic Policy
- Created by: BF
- Created on: 09-04-14 19:55
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- Louis Philippe's Domestic Policy
- Opposition
- 2nd Rebellion In Lyon 1834 due to Economic issues
- Met with military repression
- The Massacre in the Rue Transnonain 1834
- Canuts, silk workers, had no business and were starving (No foreign or domestic business)
- Canuts formed a Mutual Aid Society to protect workers against merchants- led to 1st rebellion in 1831
- Met with military repression
- Funerals And Banquets
- Used for public speeches as political meetings were banned
- Secret Societies
- Aide-Toi, Amis Du Peuple, Société Des Droits De L'homme,
- Many used to be members of the Charbonnerie during Charles X's reign
- Amis= Public meetings, pamphlets and poster campaigns and involved in ex-minister riots
- Aide-Toi, Amis Du Peuple, Société Des Droits De L'homme,
- Mutual Aid Societies
- Canuts formed a Mutual Aid Society to protect workers against merchants- led to 1st rebellion in 1831
- After Lyon, Mutual Aid Societies were banned
- Newspapers
- La Poire- Daumier
- Took dignity and respect away from the king
- Louis Philippe tried to take a newspaper/ Daumier to court and lost the case
- 1835 Censorship tightened
- Assassination Attempt 1835
- Bravery
- 2nd Rebellion In Lyon 1834 due to Economic issues
- Political and Religious Policies
- Party of Resistance vs. Party of Movement
- Guizot had become extremely unpopular with the deputies by resisting extended suffrage
- Became more politically involved in the 1840s as he believed he had more stability
- Party of Resistance vs. Party of Movement
- Social and Economic Policies
- Artisans expected social reforms
- Only times when there was a risk of disturbance was bread and grain reduced in price or free
- Failed to address economic crisis 1830-2
- 10,000 unemployed in Paris 1830- Government not providing jobs and are borrowing money
- Luckily the economy stabilised, no thanks to the government
- 2nd Rebellion In Lyon 1834 due to Economic issues
- Met with military repression
- The Massacre in the Rue Transnonain 1834
- Canuts, silk workers, had no business and were starving (No foreign or domestic business)
- Met with military repression
- Demand for the execution of Charles X's ex-ministers
- Lafayette, an artisan icon, crushed the rebels when the ex-ministers were merely given life imprisonment
- Anti-Clerical Riots
- Clergy often ultra legitimists- At the memorial of the Duc De Berri they placed a leaf crown on a statue of his son Henri- led to more riots
- Many did not want the clergy to have influence on education
- Urbanisation
- Tensions in cities between natives and migrants over employment
- Cholera Outbreaks 1832
- Artisans expected social reforms
- Personality and Beliefs
- Saw being King as a job not a divine right or luxury
- Reached his dotage and didn't want to change during the 1840s
- Succeses
- Stood by The 1830 Charter
- Chose capable ministers in 1830 which reflected the chamber of deputies
- Adopted the Tricolour Flag- Spirit of the revolution
- Visited the National Guard daily
- Failures
- Louis-Philippe was part of the Party of Resistance (rather than the Party of Movement)
- Refused a wider electorate- stood by the 1830 Charter
- Did not change with the will of the people
- He was a compromise/ choice- No power base
- The reintroduction of censorship - Against the charter
- Stood by Guizot as Chief Minister- Good friends- meant that the liberals had no choice but to go against the king
- Louis-Philippe was part of the Party of Resistance (rather than the Party of Movement)
- What Was Changed By The 1830 Revolution?
- (Modest) Constitutional changes
- The Charter
- Catholicism was made the religion of the majority rather than the religion of the country
- Freedom of the Press- No Censorship
- Expansion in the number of papers- Politically orientated
- King still the Head of State but could no longer suspend or dispense with laws
- Laws could now be proposed by the King, the Chamber of Peers AND the Chameber of Deputies
- Ultra Preamble removed
- Voting ages changed to the age of 30, 200 franc tax payers- however still no universal male suffrage
- 5 in every 1000 men could vote (mostly landowners)
- Better than most European countries except Britain where 32 in every 1000 voted
- 5 in every 1000 men could vote (mostly landowners)
- Abolition of the double vote
- The Charter
- No one's ideal constitution
- Avoided conflict
- The Stolen Revolution!
- Artisans expected resolved economic problems
- Still a Laissez-Faire government with no state intervention
- Hereditary right of Peers taken away - Meritocracy
- A Bourgeois revolution?
- Yes= Power was handed to bankers and businessmen- entrepreneurial middle class
- No- France still ran by traditional bourgeois old money families- did not acknowledge artisans and lower classs
- (Modest) Constitutional changes
- The 'Chosen' King- Why?
- Fear of escalation of the revolution
- Liberals and most of France wanted a stable government and economic growth
- Bourbon cousin and émigré
- Acceptable to Royalists and Foreign Powers
- Richest man in the kingdom
- Unlike the debt of Louis XVI- Less tax?
- Presented as 'Choice of the people' to make the change appear more radical
- Fought with the revolutionary armies at Jemappes
- 'King of the Barricades'
- King of the French People, Not King of France
- Alternatives were not an option
- Napoleon II was too young, too sick, too foreign to rule
- People still related republicanism to The Great Terror- Republic not an option (too radical)
- Artisans had no political voice or motives
- Artisans only wanted food and work
- Liberals therefore made all the political choices during the revolution
- Fear of escalation of the revolution
- Successes in the 1830s which became disadvantages in the 1840s
- Family man with no affairs
- 1830= Unlike Charles X and Louis XVIII
- 1840= Too boring and too ugly to have a mistress
- Citizen King
- 1830= In touch with the people
- 1840= Façade realised, he is not different, the same as the Bourbons + He was chosen, he has no power base
- National Guard
- 1830= Visited the guard daily
- 1840= Due to bad health, rarely visited, felt unappreciated by the king- didn't defend him in 1848
- Family man with no affairs
- Opposition
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