M:6 S:5 Immobilised Enzymes
- Created by: JessicaMPascoe
- Created on: 19-03-19 10:29
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- Immobilised Enzymes
- Uses in industrial processes
- Conversion of dextrin to glucose
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- Production of semi-synthetic penicillins
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- Untitled
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- Conversion of glucose to fructose
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- Untitled
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- Conversion of lactose to glucose + galactose
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- Untitled
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- Production of pure samples of L-amino acids
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- Untitled
- Untitled
- Conversion of dextrin to glucose
- Isolated enzymes can be immobilised
- 3 main ways
- Trapped ina silica gel matrix
- Encapsulatedin jelly-like Latinate beads
- Act as semi-permeable membrane
- Convalently bonded to cellulose or collagen fibres
- Products need to be separated from the mixture
- Complicated and costly
- Avoided in large scale production by immobilising them
- Enzymes that are attached to an insoluble molecule so they can't be mixed
- Avoided in large scale production by immobilising them
- Complicated and costly
- Substrate solution for the reaction is run through a column of immobilised enzymes
- Can become mixed in with the products of a reaction
- +ve and -ve
- Disadvantages
- IE are more expensive to buy than free
- Not always economical for use in small-scale production
- Extra equipment required
- Expensive
- Sometimes lead to reduction of enzyme activity
- Can't freely mix with their substrate
- IE are more expensive to buy than free
- Advantages
- Product isn't mixed
- No £ or time is spent separating them
- Columns can be washed and reused
- Reduces cost
- IE are more stable than free enzymes
- Less likely to denature in ^ temps or extreme PH
- Product isn't mixed
- Disadvantages
- The active sites are available to catalyse reactions
- But the solution flowing out of the column will only contain the desired product
- 3 main ways
- 6. Name the IE that converts glucose to fructose
- 3. Name an industrial process that relies heavily on the action of immobilised penicillin acylase
- 5. A team of food technicians is designing a protocol for the mass production of glucose syrup
- The enzyme glucoamyalseplays a key role in this process. They are deciding whether to use immobilised or free enzymes
- B. Give 2 disadvantages of using immobilised GA rather than free GA
- A. What role does glucoamylaseplay in the manufacture of glucose syrup?
- The enzyme glucoamyalseplays a key role in this process. They are deciding whether to use immobilised or free enzymes
- 2. Name a type of product that involves immobilised lactase in its production
- 4. Aminoacyalse is used in industry in the production of our samples of L-amino acids
- A. The aminacyalse can be immobilised. What does this mean?
- B. Give 3 ways in which aminoacylasecan be immobilised
- 1. List 3 advantages of using IE in industry
- Uses in industrial processes
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