- Created by: Shreya Bechra
- Created on: 04-04-17 09:13
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- Macbeth
- Character Summaries and Analysis
- Lady Macbeth
- Ambitious, talks about "The future in the instant"
- The ambtious wife of Macbeth who encourages him to kill the king. She commits suicide.
- Macbeth
- Brave in battle "noble Macbeth"
- Tempted by ambition "black and deep desires" to be king.
- Led by his wife "Leave all the rest to me"
- Has hallucinations "Is this a dagger which i see before me?"
- Has a conscience as he cannot say "Amen" after the murder.
- Has regret, he would "wake Duncan" if only he could.
- Led by his wife "Leave all the rest to me"
- Tempted by ambition "black and deep desires" to be king.
- The tragic hero of the play, warrior whose ambitions lead him to kill Duncan and take the throne for himself.
- Brave in battle "noble Macbeth"
- Banquo
- Macbeth's close friend and ally.
- Macbeth's friend and fellow soldier. The witches prophecy that his sons will be kings and so Macbeth murdered him.
- The Witches
- They embody evil and demonic intelligence.
- Macduff
- Honourable thane- the man of destiny "not born of woman"
- Lady Macbeth
- Context
- Themes
- Plot Summary
- Structure
- Imagery
- Language
- Symbolism
- Character Summaries and Analysis
- He changes throughout the play- he becomes more confident and quick to act
- Becomes rude, calls a servant "whey-face"
- Not afraid to die "I'll fight till from my bones my flesh be hack'd"
- Manipulates her husband "screw your courage to the sticking plate"
- Calculating, she looks "innocent" but be a "serpent"
- Can remain in control as she does not panic and orders him around.
- Shows no remorse " Give me the daggers"
- Sees Macbeth as a coward, talks of her "shame" at his "heart so white"
- Powerful, tells the lords to "speak not" and "go at once"
- Becomes deranged, tries to wash imaginary blood off her hands and commits suicide.
- Knows about witches and predictions but doesn't believe at first.
- He never becomes as tempted as Macbeth and becomes suspicious of him.
- He is very brave and a completely loyal soldier.
- Banquo makes it clear that he wants to keep his "allegiance clear" to the king.
- Banquo is a foil to Macbeth.
- Introduce the play and control the mysterious forces of the world.
- Tell Macbeth the future and put him under his spell.
- Wife and children murdered and kills Macbeth.
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