Macbeth - Context
- Created by: Lotta2018
- Created on: 21-05-18 17:19
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- Macbeth - Context
- Costume
- Black / dark colours = evil
- White / light colours = good
- Macbeth wore both - shows he is both good and evil
- Gender
- Role reversal
- M is weak + vulnerable whilst LM is strong and dominant
- Women seen as submissive, weak and cowardly
- Men seen as dominant, strong and brave
- Patriachal society
- Role reversal
- Political
- James I - King of Scotland
- Wrote a book that witches were planning to overthrow and murder him
- Shakespeare writing the play would have pleased James
- Divine Right of King
- James I - King of Scotland
- Shakespeare
- Born in 1564
- Died in 1616
- Initially worked for Lord Chamberlain's men then became one of the Kiung's men
- Audience reaction to Act 1 scene 1
- Fear in Jacobean audience
- Believed witches were agents of Satan
- Costume
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