Macbeth - Good and Evil
Teacher recommended
?- Created by: Noah_S
- Created on: 01-05-19 19:15
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- Good and Evil
- Paragraph 4
- "The blood-boltered Banquo smiles upon me"
- Macbeth's evil actions throughout the play has let him to begin to hallucinate. His overwhelming guilt makes him visualise his dead friend Banquo covered in his own blood, symbolising the deaths Macbeth has caused.
- "The castle of Macduff I will surprise"
- Macbeth's actions become increasingly evil with the murder of Macduff's wife and children. Seeming just to be preformed out of cruelty - he has no reason for murdering them as they did not pose a thread.
- After seeing the witches for a second time, Macbeth becomes more evil - showing a clear contrast of the man that he was in Act 1. These evil actions will backfire leading to his death.
- "The blood-boltered Banquo smiles upon me"
- Paragraph 3
- "We have scotched the snake, not killed it"
- The snake is a symbol of evil and temptation, which shocks the audience that Macbeth uses it on his friend, which he sees as a threat. Macbeth becomes increasingly evil.
- "Which of you have done this?"
- Macbeth's ambition begins to overtake him, hallucinating the ghost of his friend that he just murdered. It seems that his evil actions are starting to bite back at Macbeth.
- Macbeth's ambition begins to spiral out of control; he begins to hallucinate and his paranoia drives his decision-making, which becomes more evil.
- "We have scotched the snake, not killed it"
- Paragraph 5
- "Out, out brief candle, Life's but a walking shadow"
- Macbeth sort of realises that how evil he has become in the play, making him depressed. He says that life is short and only imitates before dying.
- "We'll have thee, as our rarer monsters are, painted on a pole"
- Macbeth is compared to a monster, showing how evil other people think of him. He will receive a fate that only the worst of worst people can achieve.
- Through Macbeth Shakespeare demonstrate how a good person can become evil when ambition goes unchecked and is influenced by other evil people.
- "Out, out brief candle, Life's but a walking shadow"
- Paragraph 1
- "Brave Macbeth"
- Macbeth is introduced as a loyal and honourable soldier, showing the audience that he is good. It isn't shown that he might be corrupt.
- "fair is foul and foul is fair"
- Shakespeare presents a world were good and evil begin to replace each other. Good becomes evil and evil becomes good. Shows the witches are an evil force.
- From the very first scene, Shakespeare presents a world where morals are corrupted; good and evil begin to replace each other. It is also shown that Macbeth is good, however this changes in the following Acts.
- "Brave Macbeth"
- Paragraph 2
- "Come you spirits"
- Lady Macbeth calls upon the spirits to aid her, making a Jacobean audience think if she is a witch herself. In Jacobean times, witches were evil, so if Lady Macbeth is compared to a witch she could be evil.
- "dash'd the brains out"
- The violent nature of the quote makes the audience question if Lady Macbeth is evil, as she is willing to kill someone to fulfil a promise.
- The audience soon discover that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth cannot be trusted, especially with Lady Macbeth as they are shocked how evil Lady Macbeth she can be.
- "Come you spirits"
- Paragraph 4