Magwitch Quotes
- Created by: amberjedxo
- Created on: 21-05-17 14:18
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- Magwitch
- 'How heavy it all bore on me'
- Alliteration of h sounds = heavy breathing
- Repetitive and tiring cycle
- Alliteration of h sounds = heavy breathing
- 'Whipped and worried'
- 'Whipped'- Harsh connotations of violence= create sympathy
- 'Worried'- People don't care for the lower class
- Alliteration- Continuous process
- 'In jail and out of jail'
- Use of repetition to show the uselessness of the justice system
- Doesn't encourage people not to commit crimes
- Use of repetition to show the uselessness of the justice system
- 'felt great pity for him'
- 'Nobody was hard on him'
- Has a gentleman with him- people are nicer to him
- Unfair class differences
- Has a gentleman with him- people are nicer to him
- 'ravenously'
- Anthropomorphism
- 'like a hungry old dog'
- Dehumanises him- Creates sympathy for him from the reader
- Magwitch is everything the upper class thought he was
- Dickens was not entirely successful
- Anthropomorphism
- 'like a hungry old dog'
- 'strongest fangs'
- Anthropomorphism
- Dehumanises him- Creates sympathy for him from the reader
- Magwitch is everything the upper class thought he was
- Dickens was not entirely successful
- Anthropomorphism
- 'I'm your second father'
- Loyal Character- Pip fed him and helped him and he is grateful for this
- 'How heavy it all bore on me'
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