Managing Biodiversity- gene banks & global frameworks
- Created by: Anoush
- Created on: 02-02-16 06:40
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- Managing biodiversity
- Genetic Banks
- Threats to biodiversity:
- A lot of diversity is stored in the 1750 gene banks around the world
- As the diversity consists of seeds or germplasm these resources are very vulnerable to minor disruptions.
- Ongoing conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan caused their gene banks to be destroyed.
- Civil strife and revolution have disrupted gene conservation in Egypt.
- Climate change will mean traditional methods of conservation can no longer provide absolute guarantee.
- Civil strife and revolution have disrupted gene conservation in Egypt.
- Ongoing conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan caused their gene banks to be destroyed.
- As the diversity consists of seeds or germplasm these resources are very vulnerable to minor disruptions.
- A lot of diversity is stored in the 1750 gene banks around the world
- Management strategies:
- Potatoes are the most important non-cereal crop and have been eaten for almost 8000 years.
- Samples are being sent to Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Artic, by the Cusco Potato Plant, Peru.
- The Plant covers 10 000 hectares and was set up by 6 indigenous communities to protect biodiversity and food security in that region.
- Peruvian farmers are sending 1500 varieties of potatoes to the "doomsday vault".
- Samples are being sent to Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Artic, by the Cusco Potato Plant, Peru.
- The Svalbard Global Gene Vault backs up other gene banks like Kew, London.
- GRIN, most up-to-date gene bank in the world, shares its database with other gene banks to create opportunities of collaboration and advancement.
- NGO's like Seed Savers, Lowa, have adopted this database.
- Encourages farmers naturalists to preserve crops as both are vital for conserving native species.
- NGO's like Seed Savers, Lowa, have adopted this database.
- Kew Millennium Seed Bank in England has painstakingly collected 95% of UK's wild plant species.
- Hoping to hold 25%of the World's plant species by the end of this decade.
- Potatoes are the most important non-cereal crop and have been eaten for almost 8000 years.
- Advantages
- The gene pool of a species can be maintained even if it's extinct in the wild.
- Seeds are compact and easy to store.
- Act as an ultimate insurance policy for the World's food supply.
- Needed due to climate change and the threats it poses.
- GD is being lost 1000-10000 times higher than natural rate. Gene banks help combat rapid diversity loss.
- Disadvantages
- If the plants' habitat is destroyed, it can't grow in the wild but only in highly controlled conditions customised for each species.
- Failsafe strategy that should never be used.
- False sense of security that a species has been 'saved'.
- Threats to biodiversity:
- International agreements
- RAMSAR convention on wetlands
- Established in 1971 in the Iranian city of Ramsar.
- Its aim is conserve all wetlands through local, regional and international actions and cooperation to achieve sustainable development
- Involves 168 member states and 1720 wetland sites which make up 159m hectares.
- Any wetland protected by this convention is seen as an ecosystem of international importance- known as Ramsar sites.
- CITES (1960's)
- Ensure that international trade in specimens of endangered wild animals and plants is controlled.
- Includes 180 countries and has provided protection for more than 35,000 species of animals and plants
- Classifies plants and animals according to 3 categories based on how threatened their species is- appendix 1,2,3.
- Includes 180 countries and has provided protection for more than 35,000 species of animals and plants
- Ensure that international trade in specimens of endangered wild animals and plants is controlled.
- Main threats to biodiversity:
- Had Chao Mai Marine national park which is located in the Trang province and consists of 3 wetland areas with a range of habitats (mangroves, mudflats, corals).
- Residents carry out destructive fishing activities which threaten the known 75 fish species.
- Very vulnerable to the lack of pollution regulations that threatens the habitats of endangered species like the dugong
- Residents carry out destructive fishing activities which threaten the known 75 fish species.
- Had Chao Mai Marine national park which is located in the Trang province and consists of 3 wetland areas with a range of habitats (mangroves, mudflats, corals).
- Endangered animals and plants are at risk of being hunted and exploited in an unsustainable way for items to trade.
- E.g. Himalayan brown bear for fur, elephant tusks for ivory and mahogany trees for furniture
- Endangered animals and plants are at risk of being hunted and exploited in an unsustainable way for items to trade.
- RAMSAR convention on wetlands
- Genetic Banks
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