Managing Earthquakes - Japan
- Created by: AlexMaltby
- Created on: 14-03-22 15:11
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- Managing Earthquakes - Japan
- Modifying Event
- Can't be done, but Japan's economic and political stability make recovering much easier.
- Modifying Vulnerability
- JMA lies at heart of mitigation strategies
- provides information and warnings of impending earthquakes/tsunamis
- Involves a wide range of organisations, services, transport, power etc.
- provides information and warnings of impending earthquakes/tsunamis
- Buildings with aseismic design
- steel frames, braces with flexibility, rubber shock absorbers, deep foundations, counterweights on roofs
- Fire proofing older wooden buildings
- Land use zoning that provides for open spaces for assembly
- Controlling building in locations near liquefaction
- Tsunami warning system off coast
- Refuge sites on permanents stand-by
- Community preparedness
- JMA lies at heart of mitigation strategies
- Modifying Loss
- Well-rehearsed recovery and reconstruction plans
- Lots of things in place
- Conclusion
- Recent events have triggered reappraisal of tsunami and construction once thought to be safe
- Wealth offers a high level of resilience
- Modifying Event
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