- Created by: Francesca
- Created on: 08-04-14 15:22
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- Mariana
- Form
- Literary Source Material - Mariana originally a character in Shakespeare's Measure for Measure - evident through the epigraph
- A woman is deserted by her lover Angelo
- No sense that Tennyson's Mariana will be reunited with her lover as she is in Shakespeare's play
- Or as some critics would suggest, that she would necessarily wish it
- No sense that Tennyson's Mariana will be reunited with her lover as she is in Shakespeare's play
- A woman is deserted by her lover Angelo
- To comment on the confinement and entrapment many women in Victorian Society felt and to highlight the importance of purity and chastity
- Literary Source Material - Mariana originally a character in Shakespeare's Measure for Measure - evident through the epigraph
- Verse Form
- seven 12-line stanzas - each divided into 3 4-line rhyme units
- containment in the verse form itself - central quatrain is contained by the 1st and 3rd
- evokes the static nature of Mariana's existence
- containment in the verse form itself - central quatrain is contained by the 1st and 3rd
- Refrain - bewitching chant-like
- Mariana locked in a state if perpetual, introverted brooding (unchanging, withdrawn, deep in thought)
- Iambic tetrameter (except 10th and 12th lines)
- Unvarying pattern of rhyme and rhythm (8 syllables per line)
- Incantatory quality to verse - caught under an enchantment spell
- insistent, repetitive rhyme and sound patterning - sense of heavy monotony - Mariana is "without hope of change"
- Unvarying pattern of rhyme and rhythm (8 syllables per line)
- seven 12-line stanzas - each divided into 3 4-line rhyme units
- Point of View
- third person
- everything presented from Mariana's perspective
- Distance Mariana and suggest her disassociation from society
- refrain - presents voice of Mariana speaking to reader directly
- draws us closer to character
- Intensifies our sense of her frustation and depression as she repeats same feelings of disappointment and despair
- Use of additional syllables, weak syllables which trail over the end of lines suggest Mariana's endless misery "weary" "dreary"
- third person
- Structure
- every stanza - 1st 8 lines describe Mariana or her surroundings and final quotation expresses her sentiments
- Lack of plot and development - monotony and lack of hope
- every stanza - 1st 8 lines describe Mariana or her surroundings and final quotation expresses her sentiments
- Form
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