Media - marketing - XL recordings

  • Created by: Aine
  • Created on: 22-05-14 09:56
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  • Marketing - XL Recordings
    • Digital Technology
      • Website - previews of new songs - video's from youtube
        • There are links to iTunes on some, Amazon on others and some have both - mp3/CD. Or straight from the XL Store.
        • Sell merchandise and pre order songs
      • Radio 1 - e.g. the prodigy and ADELE
      • Websites that stream music - Youtube, spotify, iTunes, soundcloud
      • collaboration of Alicia Keys - signed to columbia records, RCA and arista - subsidary labels of sony ( horizontal integration) and JACK WHITE
        • Made a sony, which features on a james bond film and a coca cola advert. Whilst advertising film/coke - promoting/advertising song.
    • gigs
      • An example - radiohead - selling in rainbows - audience chose how much they paid. Average - £4, some paid nothing and 67 paid £10.
        • Caused a lot of talk in newspapers and magazines - advertises them
        • LOYAL FANS
    • Some artists recieved nominations at the brits - increased popularity - get them more known
    • Friendly fires - on the NME tour - publicity




You should totally try the followers bot to help you with promotion on sound cloud. Use the app to  get more real soundcloud followers with easy to use organic marketing promotion. You'll thank me later. :)

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