Marks Gospel
- Created by: April
- Created on: 27-04-13 12:28
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- Marks Gospel
- First line in the Gospel ( This is the Good News about Jesus Christ the Son of God.
- Mark 1;1 - It is written from faith and for faith.
- Sources of the Gospel
- Disciples,Prayer, Mary, Eye witnesses
- Life , Death, Ressurection
- Jesus's ministry
- Perform miracles, heal people, restore faith, preach the Gospel
- The baptism and temptation
- Start of Jesus' ministry, cleanse him and make him pure.
- prepare him for this ministry
- angels helped him - tempted for 40 days and 40 nights
- Start of Jesus' ministry, cleanse him and make him pure.
- Jesus's ministry
- Gospel means Good news
- Early Christians were eaten my lions in front of a crowd of people.
- The early Christians used the Gospel to help them when they were being eaten to let them them know Jesus was with them and by their sides.
- Early Christians were eaten my lions in front of a crowd of people.
- The Gospel is important for people today
- Tell us about Jesus' ministyr, tells us about Jesus' life and what happened to Jesus
- Marks Gospel
- First line in the Gospel ( This is the Good News about Jesus Christ the Son of God.
- Mark 1;1 - It is written from faith and for faith.
- Sources of the Gospel
- Disciples,Prayer, Mary, Eye witnesses
- Life , Death, Ressurection
- Jesus's ministry
- Perform miracles, heal people, restore faith, preach the Gospel
- The baptism and temptation
- Start of Jesus' ministry, cleanse him and make him pure.
- prepare him for this ministry
- angels helped him - tempted for 40 days and 40 nights
- Start of Jesus' ministry, cleanse him and make him pure.
- Jesus's ministry
- Gospel means Good news
- Early Christians were eaten my lions in front of a crowd of people.
- The early Christians used the Gospel to help them when they were being eaten to let them them know Jesus was with them and by their sides.
- Early Christians were eaten my lions in front of a crowd of people.
- The Gospel is important for people today
- Tell us about Jesus' ministyr, tells us about Jesus' life and what happened to Jesus
- Tell us about Jesus' ministyr, tells us about Jesus' life and what happened to Jesus
- Caesarea Philippi
- Peter recognises Jesus and the Christ and they give him different titles
- The Transfiguration
- Shinning white clothes/ purity
- The new law giver, he is divine
- Shinning white clothes/ purity
- The person of Jesus
- Son of man
- authority to fogive sin
- shows suffering and humanity
- authority to fogive sin
- Son of God
- Shows diviinity
- power to perform miracles
- he is the trinity
- power to perform miracles
- close to God
- The baptism of Jesus
- God speaks for the first time, Hold spirit
- God notices him as his son for the first time
- God speaks for the first time, Hold spirit
- Shows diviinity
- Son of man
- First line in the Gospel ( This is the Good News about Jesus Christ the Son of God.
- Marks Gospel
- Tell us about Jesus' ministyr, tells us about Jesus' life and what happened to Jesus
- Caesarea Philippi
- Peter recognises Jesus and the Christ and they give him different titles
- The Transfiguration
- Shinning white clothes/ purity
- The new law giver, he is divine
- Shinning white clothes/ purity
- The person of Jesus
- Son of man
- authority to fogive sin
- shows suffering and humanity
- authority to fogive sin
- Son of God
- Shows diviinity
- power to perform miracles
- he is the trinity
- power to perform miracles
- close to God
- The baptism of Jesus
- God speaks for the first time, Hold spirit
- God notices him as his son for the first time
- God speaks for the first time, Hold spirit
- Shows diviinity
- Son of man
- First line in the Gospel ( This is the Good News about Jesus Christ the Son of God.
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