- Created by: Ciaran
- Created on: 25-04-15 15:55
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- Marriage
- Ceremony
- Introduction
- priest gives a short sermon
- The Vows
- To Have and to hold from this day forward. for better, for worse. for richer, for poorer. in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish. till death do us part
- Rings
- Promise of unending love
- Warning
- man must not spate what God has joined
- Pronounce-ment
- Priest confirms they are married
- Register
- legal requirement
- Introduction
- Churches teaching
- It is a life-long partnership
- Only Between man and woman
- It is exclusive
- It is a good thing for society
- A proper place to bring up children
- Kids are the gift of Marriage
- Catholic
- God is the author of marriage
- Kids are for the good of the parents too
- Protestant
- Marriage provides a stable family
- Marriage is holy, created by God, and only for man and woman
- Sacred
- "That is why a man leaves his father and mother, and is united with his wife and becomes one" Geneisis
- God created marriage to make man and woman "one"
- Exclusive
- Bible teaches sex only to take place in marriage
- it is complete acceptance of the other person
- Marriage is sacred and exclusive
- It condems Adultery, sex is wrong outside marriage
- Give and Take
- a man will furfill his duty as husband, a woman shall forfil her duty as wife and each shall satisfy each others needs
- Partners must be able to put each others lives before there own
- Ceremony
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