Martin Luther King's involvement in Civil Rights 1960s
- Created by: kingzai
- Created on: 01-04-19 18:08
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- MLK & CRM 1960s
- Albany 1961
- organized by the SNCC to have a sit in at the Albany bus station which refused to desegregate
- MLK was invited but faced opposition as SNCC leaders didnt like the idea of outsiders taking part. When he left, the movement began to fail
- It failed because of lack of cooperation and unpopular black violence.
- It did have some positive effects including a loss of fear of ***********, mobilization of the black community and increased national attention
- Birmingham 1963
- King chose Alabama because of
- the need to demonstrate the SCLC as as dynamic and successful.
- It also seemed like a viable option because white people saw segregation as an economic constraint and he tried to gain these types of people's attention anyway
- It seemed like an area that would trigger sympathy because he knew that with Bull Connor in power, it was likely that there would be immense violence
- It started off unpopular because again, people weren't fond of MLK's leadership, but there were still demonstrations
- This was followed by Bull's anticipated violence which caught the attention of Robert Kennedy, who urged JFK's action.
- Significance
- Positive
- It was a skillful manipulation of the situation in the black right's favour
- It increased news coverage on how severe segregation was in the South
- Increased publicity for the SCLC with increased funds towards it
- JFK said it was a significant factor in pushing the CR Act
- Negative
- It did little to actually bring change to Brimingham
- It showed division between CR Organizations
- It showed slowly decreasing popularity of MLK's leadership style
- Positive
- King chose Alabama because of
- March On Washington 1964
- done to encourage the passage of the Civil Rights Bill
- Had a predominantly middle class crowd with a quarter of them being white. Featured I Have a Dream.
- Slightly significant because it was the first time many major CR leaders cooperated
- However cooperation did not last past this point
- The official aim was to encourage passage of the bill but NY Times described congress as "unmoved" by it.
- Selma 1965
- De Jure segregation with major high inequality. CR Bill did little to help
- King chose Selma to show segregation in the deep south and because he believed it would be like Birmingham
- King tried to lead prospective voters to register but they weren't able to
- They were attacked by state troopers. LBJ asked for call off but MLK refused.
- Effects
- MLK thought "bloody sunday" was great media coverage and was a "shining moment in the conscience of the man"
- Historians believe that LBJ wouldnt ahve passed the Voting Righhts Act without Selma
- SCLC left a string of embittered cities, activists felt betrayed by it
- Albany 1961
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