Marxism and Education

  • Created by: bex77
  • Created on: 10-03-21 13:20
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  • Marxism and Education
    • Althusser
      • Education is part of ISA
        • The role of ISA is to win the hearts and minds of the proletariat to prevent a revolution by persuading them to accept the dominant ideology
      • Main role of education in capitalist society is the reproduction of an obedient workforce. This involves 2 aspects:
        • The reproduction of necessary skills
        • The reproduction of the ruling class ideology and the socialisation of workers into accepting the dominant ideology. This creates FCC
      • Education is mainly responsible for passing on the ruling class ideology and developing the right attitudes and behaviours among different social classes as adults, e.g. workers are persuaded to accept and submit to exploitation and managers to rule
        • Students are expected to obey their teachers (otherwise they will be sanctioned) which encourages them to become obedient workers
        • Appointing students to be prefects or class monitors as a reward for good behaviour as those who are good workers get promoted to higher roles
    • Bourdieu- the reproduction of class inequalities
      • Education legitimises class inequalities and reproduces the class structure
      • Each social class has its own cultural framework (habitus) which is picked up through socialisation
        • This contains ideas about what counts as good and bad taste, books, newspapers etc
      • Bourgeoisie has the power to impose its own habitus on the education system giving middle and upper class students an advantage as they have more access to this culture
        • Cultural Capital- the knowledge, language, behaviour attitudes, taste, lifestyle which gives the middle class an in built advantage in a middle class controlled education system
        • Therefore, the middle and upper classes have much greater chance of educational success before they even start school
        • Pupils from lower classes tend to not possess cultural capitalso educational failure is inevitable.
          • Education system devalues the culture of the lower classes and makes it easier for higher classes to stay in the social class they were born into
            • Legitimises and reproduces class inequalities from one generation to the next
              • Prevents social mobility
    • Illich and Freire
      • School = repressive institution; promotes conformity and encourages pupils into passive acceptance of existing inequalities rather than encouraging them to be critical and think for themselves
        • Done through the rewards of higher qualifications for those who accept the school regime
      • Illich suggests the solution is deschooling
    • Bowles and Gintis
      • Correspondence principle operates through the hidden curriculum (things pupils learn through the experience of attending school rather than the stated educational objectives)
      • School corresponds to work and the education system produces an obedient workforce who accept authority without question
      • Meritocracy is a myth- makes it seem as though those who achieve have done so fairly rather than through social class advantages




This topic is somewhat similar to the one I defended in graduate school. It was a pretty tough time, because I didn’t really know how to write a research paper. So I did some research and found an article on, which showed me the best way to write a research paper. That helped me a lot.

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