SCLY3 : Marxism and Ideologies
- Created by: HElizabeth
- Created on: 22-01-14 14:05
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- Marxism and Ideology:
- Marxists argue that capitalist societies are dominated by ruling class ideology - a set of beliefs that support the interests of the R/C.
- Marxists believe that capitalist societies are divided into two classes:
- The Bourgeoisie- own the means of production.
- The Proletariat- work for the R/C in order to survive.
- Believe the structure of society has two parts:
- The economic base- includes the means of production and controlled by the R/C.
- The R/C exploit the W/C and attempt to maintain control by controlling the ideas, beliefs and values of society.
- Marx and Engels argued that: "the ideas of the ruling class are, in every age, the ruling ideas."
- Marxists believe that in capitalist societies the dominant ideology is reproduced partly through the mass media.
- This encourages
- Acceptance of capitalism as the best economic system
- acceptance of power of the capitalist state.
- A consumer culture to consume the products of capitalism to make profit for companies
- A passive workforce which does not questions low wages
- This encourages
- Superstructure - includes all non-economic parts of society including state, mass media, education and religion.
- Believe the structure of society has two parts:
- The economic base- includes the means of production and controlled by the R/C.
- Believe the structure of society has two parts:
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