mass immigration + impact
- Created by: lucywedge16
- Created on: 15-12-20 11:32
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- mass immigration and impact
- melting pot
- popular optimistic view of US, formed from different countries, races, cultures and religions
- reality did not live together amongst each other, instead they lived in localised communities that reflected their heritage
- E.G. every city had an area known as Little Italy
- specialisation:Jews- garment trade, Italy- construction work or textiles. 'Hyphenated'.
- reality did not live together amongst each other, instead they lived in localised communities that reflected their heritage
- between 1900-13, 13 mill immigrants arrived
- most possessed Ellis Island, at peak 5000 a day.
- popular optimistic view of US, formed from different countries, races, cultures and religions
- effect
- Slowed down call for 'progressive reform'
- worked for lower wages, put up poor working conditions/living conditions- patronage-then vote for them- no change.
- industrialists often put together immigrants from different nations to prevent unionising, Jay Gould, railroad tycoon, 'I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half'
- tensions unions (AFL) and immigrants- acute during economic downturns.
- new immigrants intimately tied with political machines and party bosses.
- became citizens after 5 years, patronage- put in tenement housing buildings, given jobs e.t.c
- tb- close proximity, poor infrastructure-epidemics- mid 1860's NY 5000 people died typhoid outbreaks
- became citizens after 5 years, patronage- put in tenement housing buildings, given jobs e.t.c
- discrimination and tension
- stigmatised particular immigrant groups as the carriers of specific disease, e.g. turberculosis="Jewish disease'
- enhanced fears of newcomers as carriers.
- catholicism focal point, blamed for "foreign ways" maj immi, 1906 7% pop, US evang Prot majority.
- WASPs- Anglo-Saxon prot,not like catholics as they were ruled by the pope in Italy and they saw this as an outside country having influence over america
- Local laws passed, restricted catholics from doing certain jobs e.g. teaching other rights
- WASPs- Anglo-Saxon prot,not like catholics as they were ruled by the pope in Italy and they saw this as an outside country having influence over america
- The American Protective Association- founded by Henry F Bowers
- to counter immigrant threat and to protest against the large numbers of catholics it had over 2mil members by 1890s
- growth in nativism
- stigmatised particular immigrant groups as the carriers of specific disease, e.g. turberculosis="Jewish disease'
- Slowed down call for 'progressive reform'
- pop growth-declining birth-rate
- melting pot
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